Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Reed Robert Van Horn

Reed Robert Van Horn was born June 2nd at 4:20 am. He was 18.5 inches long, and 6 lbs 14 oz.

The labor story.....

So The due date was may 31, and I reall yhtought that I would have him by that date. The Doctor said "wow, you should have this kid any day now"

I had contractions everyday, but they went away when I rested, and they didn't progress.

So June 1st, We needed to go buy some groceries. And I was having light contractions that could easily be confused with simple back pain due to laundry, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, or carrying children, or my morning walks. However I really wanted to bein labor, but I really didn't want to go to the hospital and be sent home so I told Ben,


"Let's go shopping, if the contractions do not go away I will go to the hospital"

I had one set on 5 minute apart contractions, so we went straight to the hospital.

11pm I reluctantly enter the hospital thinking that my light contractions are probably a false alarm and that I will be sent home.


The hospital said probably I wasn't really in labor just yet, the contractions were 8-10 minutes apart and not painful. Also, the baby was really high. So they had me walk around the hospital for 2 hours then get rechecked.


Ben and I walk around the hospital for a while when contractions are suddenly 3 minutes apart, lasting one minute, and were so painful I couldn't walk. We barely made it back to the materrnity floor, when my water broke and I got admitted.


I had initially said something about maybe wanting an epidural, but since the real contractions started I quickly made sure everyone knew that I really really wanted an epidural as quickly as possible.

1:45am epidurals are great. I have had 3 other kids, and these contractions hurt more than anything I remember.


My contractions are somehow uneven, they are strong but not consistent. I can't really tell, but I get some extra monitors. Then they figure out that I am just progressing really fast.


Reed Robert Van Horn is born!!!

The cord is wrapped twice around his neck, also his lungs are wet. He gets suctioned out right away and is fine.
6lbs 14 oz
18.5 inches long
light brown hair

For some reason I recovered from this delivery really fast. Probably because I had Benjamin at the hospital with me, and my inlaws taking care of my kids at home so I could sit around and rest. Reed is a great little baby


Marin said...

He's beautiful! Congrats! I love his name, too!

Heidi said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to meet this little baby (although by the time I get back to Wisconsin I'm sure he won't be so little any more!) You are a trooper and hooray for epidurals!

Shawna said...

Congratulations! He's adorable and I love those bright eyes in that picture.

Hannah said...

Hooray for you guys!! He is adorable. Although, I have to admit, I am a little jealous that he is so little.

Jen said...

Congratulations! And I love your reviews of the TV shows, especially the cattle auction! :)