Friday, June 11, 2010

Garden Greatness

So I saved a couple of dollars.. I bought a Leek a few weeks ago, and after eating the top of it I replanted the roots in the garden behind my raspberries. The thing kept growing, and I have used the top of it twice since then. I do the same thing with green onions, and I am always amazed that I can plant things form the grocery store. These are tough plants.

We also have our first red raspberry of the season, I am sure it will become more red and more ripe in the next few weeks.
four 0 Clocks can grow from seeds or from rhisomes, They are a perennial in their native Peru. This plant is growing from a rhisome that has been protected from the harsh winter cold by the nearby dryer vent. I love when nature and the modern lifestyle intersect.
I have wanted a Mulberry tree for the past several years. I have read about how to propagate them, and tried several methods. I got some cuttings to root, and produce buds, then they died. I attempted to put in a cutting this spring, but it also died. I was about to give up an just buy a tree, when I discovered this beautiful delicious tree growing under my line tree in the front yard.

I am so excited for this summer!!!! Mulberries!!!!! I am never going to move away from this house.

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