Today I found FREE garden supplies on craigslist, so I called the lady, and Ben picked them up onhis way home from work. We got several bags of topsoil, peatmoss, and potting soil as well as houseplant fertilizer and a Jiffy seed starter kit. We had some seeds sitting aroudn the house so tonight for FHE, we started seeds. Caleb put the seeds in the little cups of dirt. He figured out how to do it really fast and got angry when anyone else tried to plant anything in his dirt cups.
Ofcourse he just kepy pushing seeds into cups, so there may be 4 or 5 seeds of different kinds in his little dirt cups. I originally gave him 4oclock seeds, but by the end he was planting corn. By the time they sprout I will be able to figure out what they are, either that or we will just have an interesting garden this year.
We also repotted several primroses, which got everyone very dirty. It was very rainy today so we did all of this in the garage and on the kitchen table.
I hope that some of this stuff grows.
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