I have a garden so that my kids can learn about plants and eat fresh vegetables.
So Our garden is serving its purpose. Caleb has learned that carrots grow in the garden, he can identify them and he knows that it he pulls on the tops enough he can get a carrot.
He also like to eat them. He eats a couple of little carrots everyday.

So next year I am going to plant more carrots. Maybe a couple of different types. Caleb also loved the pea plants that were ripe last month. however he never really ate them, he just played with them like a bunch of little marbles.
So next year I am going to plant more carrots. Maybe a couple of different types. Caleb also loved the pea plants that were ripe last month. however he never really ate them, he just played with them like a bunch of little marbles.
Reed is getting really big. I am excited to see them soon and go swimming! Hopefully Isak doesn't pull up anything that isn't edible in your garden...
Caleb also went down the waterslide. They won't let you go down with your child, but they have someone at the bottom to catch them.
Caleb really wanted to go down, so I let him. Apparently, he turn around a couple times on his way down. He exited the slide head-first and decided that he didn't like the waterslide anymore.
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