Monday, April 11, 2011

a reason to recall

Here is a good reason to oppose the Walker agenda.

Even if nothing else, this story alone is reason enough to oppose the big business legislation that is taking over our state. This makes me sick, actually, it makes me really proud of the sunburn I got Sunday afternoon canvassing for the recall of Alberta Darling.

1 comment:

Dorinne said...

Thank you Valerie for sharing my blog with your viewers and for the hard work you are putting forth to turn the tide on Walker and his death dealing agenda. It's hard to keep my focus on everything that I need to accomplish because of the overwhelming need to stay up to date with the Walker Administration and Dennis Smith the health secretary. Things have quieted down which actually makes me increasingly nervous. I have no faith or trust for either of them, they have shown by their actions that they have no compassion for our citizens. Keep up the great work you are doing, I greatly appreciate it.