Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 25th

March 25th is the day that the 'budget repair' bill sans anything fiscal, is being published as a law. Doug La Follette decided to take the full 10 days to publish the bill despite the Gov's urging to declare an 'emergency' and publish it much earlier.

It is also the 100th anniversary of one of the worst labor disasters in history, the triangle shirtwaist fire. This disaster fueled many labor reforms through energizing labor unions. Labor laws were won almost exclusively through organized labor demanding better working conditions, sick leave, 10 or 8 hour days, benefits, end to child labor, etc. The government tends to support businesses, which have an interest in the status quo. Change must come through the people. The people organized and demonstrated, had strikes, marches, and some even died in the interest of promoting fair labor laws.

This bill represents a huge step backward for my State and the nation. I want to commemorate it appropriately, right now I am planning a 'day of shame' sort of like a birthday party, except the cake says "shame" and we even have a pinata representing the bill that we bash open to release out civil liberties (symbolized by candy).

This is not the end; so much is on the table, and this administration has so many more dirty tricks to come! I pledge to demonstrate everyday until public workers are allowed to collectively bargain, and repeals their classist education reform. I have a vacation scheduled for June. If this is not resolved, I will find a way to demonstrate while on vacation (if they have a city hall and poster board, then I can picket!)

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