Sunday, February 20, 2011

links to protest stuff

I had an excellent12th grade history class, (Thank you Mr. Lynch!) In that class I first learned about the struggle for workers' rights in this country. The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, was an expose on the meat packing companies of its day.
The struggle for workers' rights is real, it is long, and it was been a hard fight. Effectively removing them is also turning into a hard fight.

One more reason to love Kenn Lonnquist,

Saturday evening Representative Jorgensen talked about the history of labor in this state. He cosponsored with republicans, a labor in the classroom bill a while back.

He pointed me to this incident, back in 1886 in Milwaukee.
this is a link to an article about the bay view roller mill disaster of 1886, a crowd was protesting to get the 8 hour workday, and The State Militia fired on the unarmed crowd killing 7 people.

I should also mention that Representative Janet Bewley Stayed up until 1am hearing testimony. Thank you Representative Bewley!

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